Damp: The algorithm that will boost your chess tactics (en Inglés)

Lapertosa, Júlio ; Duarte, Claudio Nunes · Haikai Editora

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Discover the art of identifying winning combinations in chess with DAMP algorithm.The greatest challenge in chess tactics is understanding when and why you're facing a winning combination. Analyzing positions in a tactics book may seem straightforward as you're typically told 'white to play and win in three moves'. However, real-game scenarios don't provide this advantage. Each move demands the player to detect potential tactical weaknesses in the opponent's position, identify them, and learn to exploit these vulnerabilities. This book presents a simple yet transformative algorithm that revolutionizes how you examine a chess position, turning you into a tactician who can spot opportunities as they arise. Embrace this game-changing approach to sharpen your tactical vision in chess.

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